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Infinite Party of ONE

One night I was thinking about personal judgment and how that was blocking my light and barring me from the Christ idea. I felt burdened by all the people who had wronged me over the years and knew I was at fault for harboring that memory. I was, in effect, binding their guilt to them, keeping them sinners. Personal enemies had not placed a crown of thorns upon my head. It was my thorny impression of them that had formed it, and
self-righteousness had firmly fastened it in memory: 'I was right and they were wrong.' With that attitude, how could I ever regain their love or equalize the field? As my thoughts continued in this line, I realized that I had an opinion about everyone (good, bad, and indifferent) and knew that this would not do, either. No wonder I was feeling alone, separated from God, burdened, unhappy. It was time I did something about it.

I decided to take each person in mind and work until I was no longer sitting in judgment. As soon as I was prepared to do this,
a wholly different way came to me. It was in the form of a poem, titled "Infinite Party of ONE." The words came out of my mouth as easily as if I had memorized it from childhood. It was truly a poem in iambic pentameter with so many verses that it took me over thirty minutes to recite. I listened with a ready ear as the words came quickly and with expression. It was just for me, and for everyone I have ever met or known. This poem showed me heaven, not peopled with strangers; my companions were people I already knew, and they were all perfect, just like me - no sinners, no rejects, and no favorites. We were all "of one accord in one place." I felt like a king on the throne with Christ, enjoying the grand view with peace and joy and power divine, and with those dear familiar faces in attendance - the ones I used to judge. The Son of God did not see them in any special way, keeping them separate - some treasured, some sick, some beautiful. We were all standing in the same pure light with real happiness, eager helpfulness, and ready grace.

It seems that during all my life, my human view had been disallowing the happy interchange, and as I stood there in my silent home, all the years of burden left as simply as the melting of snow in the warm light of day. So it is that we reap what we sow. Heaven is right here where we see hell - any finite sense, any limitation, any earthly body. As we exchange our view for the divine, dissonant earth disappears and hallowed oneness remains. Truly, each one of us will repeat Jesus' words, "Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

I wish I could share that poem with you, so filled with purpose. Surely it will come again, for it must be known in heaven. Perhaps it will be sung to you directly, the way it must be heard to have any real meaning.

George Denninger ©



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